Anti-racism in the Shakespeare Community

Madeline Sayet, a Mohegan theatremaker, recently wrote an article titled “Interrogating the Shakespeare System.” In this article, she challenges the notion that Shakespeare is the greatest writer of all time and how that notion has negatively impacted our society, specifically American society. I will admit that at first glance I felt defensive and even rolled... Continue Reading →

Was Shakespeare Bisexual?

The other day I stumbled across an article with the headline “William Shakespeare was undeniably bisexual, researchers claim.” I immediately rolled my eyes at the word “undeniably.” Shakespeare was not undeniably anything. Due to limited records (which is perfectly normal for the period), doubt can be cast on almost every aspect of his existence. Basic... Continue Reading →

MacBeth References in Hamilton

This blog contains many Hamilton spoilers. You have been warned. I, like much of the world, found myself enamored with Hamilton when the production was released on Disney+. I knew the soundtrack already, but seeing the production made everything much more impactful. Of course, as a Shakespeare fanatic, my ears perked up at the MacBeth... Continue Reading →

Racism in Shakespeare

The other day a google document was shared on the Shakespeare 2020 Project Facebook page. In the document was a breakdown of different words used in Shakespeare that may be considered offensive today. The document was presented as a guide for editing Shakespeare to remove any offensive language. I was intrigued by the document, but... Continue Reading →

Did Shakespeare Smoke Pot?

And more importantly, does it matter?   Recently a 2001 study has resurfaced that found evidence Shakespeare may have smoked pot. The study seems to come back into the mainstream every few years, so that the Bardolators can clutch their pearls and insist he didn’t, or the marijuana enthusiasts can voice their support. The evidence... Continue Reading →

Reading Shakespeare

The other day I was perusing the Shakespeare 2020 Facebook Group, like I frequently do these days, and saw an interesting question from one of the other group members. (I can’t find it now, but thank you!). Any she was fairly new to Shakespeare and wanted to get opinions from other members on how best... Continue Reading →

Shakespeare Gift Guide

As we get deeper and deeper into the holiday season, the quest for that perfect gift can be a challenging one. It can be especially challenging to find a gift for that one person in your life with unique and particular interests. You don’t know anything about Shakespeare. How are you supposed to be trusted... Continue Reading →

Teaching the Basics

Today we are going to look into how we can lay the foundation, but before we do that, I want to take a moment to respond to some great feedback/questions I received. Hopefully, this will make these ideas more well rounded and, as always, I would love to get some input from other teachers. First,... Continue Reading →

Teaching Shakespeare Overview

I recently went back to my old grade school. It was surreal going back to a place I had graduated from 15 years prior. It was even more surreal walking through the halls with a baby in my arms. All of the teachers were getting their classrooms ready. Assigning lockers and desks. Putting up motivational... Continue Reading →

Julius Caesar: The Original Mean Girl

As I worked my way through Julius Caesar, I couldn’t help but have a feeling of familiarity. Somehow the way all of these Roman diplomats were talking behind each others’ backs was eliciting some deja vu. Then it hit me, they were acting like a bunch of high school girls. And I want to be... Continue Reading →

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